Last Night's Soup Run - March 2018


Our guests were lined up, waiting for us on 33rd Street in Manhattan for last night's soup run. We served lasagna, vegetables, oranges and other treats, along with the welcomed coffee and hot chocolate. We were happy to distribute clothing items, including the last of certain seasonal items like coats and blankets. Our toiletry kits were full of necessary items, including small flashlights donated by a business publication. 

We met a number of our regular guests, some of whom helped us set up and serve, and others who were new to us but not new to the streets. Tom, who said he has been homeless and in prison on and off for 10 years, was very appreciative of all that we provided. He put on the sweatshirt and coat we gave him before he ate his meal. We talked with a husband and wife whom we've previously met and they asked for clothing for their six-year-old daughter. We will bring them clothes next month. The husband is protective of his wife and doesn't leave her side since she was raped in a homeless shelter.

There were many "thank you for doing this" and "God bless you" comments of appreciation from our guests. Their generosity with each other continues to impress us. As the evening was winding down, a young man approached us asking if we had any more toiletry kits. We had distributed all kits so another homeless man whom we were talking with opened up his toiletry kit and gave the young man some of his items. He told us "the stuff you guys do rubs off on us. My time here is done," and he walked away. 

That is how the evening ended - another beautiful night of providing a bit of sustenance for the body, conversation and compassion for the soul and witnessing the beauty in everyone.

All that we offer to the hungry and homeless on the streets of New York is made possible through the generous donations of our growing group of volunteers and supporters. This month's soup run was sponsored in memory of Mary Mavromatis through the many donations received in her name. Thank you to Minos Samoladas for his donation which enabled us to purchase socks and underwear, Manny Louros and Zachary Karounos for preparing the meal, Kristin Calve, Publisher of Corporate Counsel Business Journal, for donating 100 flashlights, Deborah Farone for a case of toothpaste, Teddy and Maria Papatheodorou for boxes of tee shirts and baseball caps, the Holy Trinity Philoptochos and the entire community for their incredible generosity. Wishing all a blessed Easter. Kali Anastasi. We look forward to you joining us on April 26.