Last Night's Soup Run - Feb. 2018

Dear Friends - 

Everyone who needed a coat or a meal received one during last night's soup run. We served 110 meals of lemon chicken, rice, vegetables and apples to our guests on 33rd Street in New York City and in Penn Station. 

We distributed 10 bins of clothing, including much-needed socks, men's and women's underwear, pants, sweaters and coats. The warm meals were received with gratitude and thanks all around. We heard comments ranging from "God bless you" to "I want to sit down and enjoy this Greek lemon chicken". One of our volunteers brought 10 new backpacks which we distributed in less than five minutes. 

We met Joanne who was pulling a heavy milk crate. When asked about the crate, she said, "It's my life." Joanne needed a coat and sneakers and we were able to provide her with both. While in Penn Station distributing meals, scarves and toiletries, we met Fr. Louis, a Catholic monk. Fr. Louis runs a 30-bed homeless shelter in the Bronx and visits Penn Station monthly to minister to the homeless. He was interested to talk with us about our monthly homeless outreach and he told us how much he loves the homeless. With an affable personality and speaking Spanish, we witnessed Fr. Louis connecting with individuals in a very personal way. Our friend Chris was happy to tell us that he is moving into his own apartment today - after five years of being homeless. He'd like to return next month to help us serve.

With much gratitude, we thank a number of supporters of the soup run: Minos Samoladas for his donation which enables us to purchase socks and underwear, this month's sponsor, Eugenia Valliades, Manny Louros and Zacharay Karounos for preparing the meals, Deb van der Heyden for the backpacks, Athena Gregory and the 8th grade Sunday School class for toiletry kits and the many volunteers who humbly share their time, talent and treasures. Our monthly homeless outreach serves so many who have so little. Thank you! Please join us next month on March 29th. For those who cannot join us in Manhattan and would like to participate, we welcome donations of sweatshirts, backpacks and tote bags which may be placed in the white bin near the church offices.