Celebrating the three Hierarchs


Today our Greek school students celebrated in church the day of the three Hierarchs, the Fathers of the Greek letters. The Three Hierarchs are Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian. They studied the ancient classical writers and philosophers and managed to reconcile the Ancient Greek Spirit with the Christian Faith. In 1842 the University of Athens, Greece established the celebration of the three Hierarchs as a day devoted to Education, as they were Great Teachers and Fathers of the Church. Since then, every year, on January 30th, our Church celebrates their memory. 

The three Hierarchs rejected the pagan elements and kept the advice of Apostle "to try everything but to keep the good". Their era was called "The Golden Century of the Church". Their work is valuable! All the poor, the sick, the orphans and the elderly found shelter near them. Their great heart and their Christian soul became a roof for those in need. They held nothing for themselves. They gave all their belongings to their fellow human beings. The Three Hierarchs were also missionaries. They taught the Christian religion and the Word of God with passion. So they were rightly called Fathers of the Church and Protectors of the Greek Education and Literacy. 

Today our Greek School students honored their memory!

Enjoy some photos from this event in church.
